Remedial Massage

Discover the Healing Power of Remedial Massage

Remedial massage stands out as a therapeutic art dedicated to addressing specific musculoskeletal issues, injuries, or dysfunctions within the body. Crafted to alleviate pain, expedite healing, and enhance overall physical well-being, this specialized form of massage is conducted by skilled and qualified remedial massage therapists possessing an in-depth understanding of anatomy, physiology, and pathology.

Key Components of Remedial Massage:
Assessment and Analysis: A comprehensive pre-massage assessment enables the therapist to pinpoint specific areas of concern and identify the underlying causes of discomfort or pain.
Targeted Treatment: Remedial massage employs a diverse range of techniques to manipulate the body's soft tissues, including muscles, tendons, ligaments, and fascia. Techniques such as deep tissue massage, trigger point therapy, and myofascial release are tailored to address individual needs.
Pain Relief: Alleviating pain and discomfort is a primary objective. Therapists focus on releasing tension, reducing muscle tightness, and enhancing blood circulation to stimulate the healing process.
Injury Rehabilitation: Often integrated into injury rehabilitation programs, remedial massage aids in tissue repair, minimizes scar tissue, and improves range of motion during the recovery process.
Postural Assessment and Correction: Therapists assess and address posture-related issues, offering advice and exercises to correct imbalances contributing to musculoskeletal problems.
Client Education: Remedial massage therapists empower clients with knowledge about their condition, self-care practices, and preventive measures to maintain optimal musculoskeletal health.
Common Conditions Benefiting from Remedial Massage:
·      Back Pain
·      Neck and Shoulder Tension
·      Sports Injuries
·      Chronic Conditions causing Muscular Discomfort
·      Muscle Tension Related Headache
It's crucial to recognize that remedial massage is a therapeutic and outcome-oriented practice, with sessions uniquely tailored to meet the individual needs of each client based on their specific concerns and goals. Experience the transformative effects of remedial massage — a personalized journey to enhanced well-being.

“Advanced Rehab Massage & Myotherapy offers personalised treatment plans to help you recover and thrive. Our expert therapists are dedicated to improving your quality of life and empowering you to reach your full potential. Trust us to provide the advanced care you deserve.”